

Cad Design
Two-dimensional blueprint
of preliminary truck body assures exact dimensions
and maps general design. |

Three-dimensional drawings
simulate a virtual model shop and offer a greater
definition of compartment utilization. |

Wiring Diagrams
Customer-specific exact wiring
diagrams come standard with your Alexis truck and
provide ease of electrical diagnostics. |

Weight calculations insure
intended loads match correct chassis gross vehicle
weight rating during pre-planning stage. |


Cuts body parts using high
definition plasma technology to ensure high quality
results. |

Jet Technology
New water jet cutting technology
allows smoother more precise cuts on a wide variety
of materials to ensure high quality results. |


A fully-welded steel subframe supports our 3/16"
thick aluminum body and allows for heavy-duty outrigger
supports under each compartment floor. A round rubber
body cushion is used to separate the steel outriggers
and aluminum angle which provide our customers with
the strongest truck body possible and the assurance
that the dissimilar metals will be separated to
protect against electrolysis. We also provide a
bonded rubber surface on the top of the subframe
to protect from chaffing against the UPF water tank. |


Service and maintenance is streamlined with color,
function and number code utilizing heat resistant
wiring, as well as printed circuit boards and automatic
reset circuit breakers. The connections are made
through a duetsch mechanical type connector which
allows for the best seal possible to protect against
the elements. We also now offer your department
the option to utilize multiplex electrical systems. |