The Technical Committee on Fire Department Apparatus proposes a complete revision to NFPA 1911, Standard for Service Tests of Fire Pump Systems on Fire Apparatus, 2002 edition. When adopted this document will be redesignated as NFPA 1911, Standard for the Inspection, Maintenance, Testing, and Retirement of Automotive Fire Apparatus. The Committee continues to support Annex D to remove older apparatus, but has not produced any data that indicates these vehicles are the cause of accidents or injuries. Many new features enhancing safety have been included in newer apparatus, but the root cause of accidents continues to be excessive speed and injuries due to the disregard for the use of seat belts. |
Does your current fire apparatus have the following to meet NFPA 1901 & 1911
Annex D Standards?
1. Fully enclosed seating for all riding team members?
2. Warning lights that meet the new requirements.
3. Reflective striping that meet the new requirements?
4. Slip resistance of walking surfaces and handrails that meets the new requirement?
5. A low voltage electrical system load manager installed if the total continuous load exceeds the alternator output?
6. Where the GVWR is 36,000 lb (16,000 kg) or more, an auxiliary braking system installed and operating correctly?
7. Ground and step lights meet the current requirement?
8. Noise levels in the driving and crew compartment(s) meet the current requirement?
9. Engine belts, fuel lines, and filters have been replaced in accordance with the manufacturers' maintenance shcedule(s)?
10. Brakes, brake lines, and wheel seals have been replaced or serviced in accordance witht the manufacturer's maintenance schedules?
11. Tires and suspension are in serviceable condition?
12. All horns and sirens are relocated from the roof to a position as low and as far forward as possible?
13. Seat belts are available for every seat and are new or in serviceable condition?
14. Sign plates are present stating no riding on open areas?
15. A complete weight analysis shows the fire apparatus is not over individual axle or total GVW ratings?
16. The fire pump meets or exceeds its original pump rating?
17. Alternator output meets its rating?
18. Water tank and baffles are not corroded or distorted?
19. A transmission shift pump interlock is present and working properlyon vehicles equipped with an automatic transmission?
20. All loose equipment in the driving and crew areas is securely mounted to prevent its movement in case of an accident?
21. The radiator has been serviced in accordance with the manufacturers' maintenance schedule and all cooling system hoses are new or in serviceable condition?
22. If so equipped, the generator and line voltage accessories have been tested and meet the current standard?
23. If equipped with an aerial device, a complete test to original specifications has been conducted and certified by a certified testing laboratory.
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