HGAC Buy is a nationwide, government procurement service striving to make the governmental procurement process more efficient. Units of local government, including non-profits providing governmental services, are eligible to become participating members of the HGACBuy Cooperative. All contracts available to participating members of HGACBuy have been awarded by virtue of a public competitive procurement process compliant with state statutes. The Texas Interlocal Cooperation Act permits joint participation by local governments, states, state agencies, and certain non-profit corporations. Most states have interlocal cooperation authority or other joint power provisions that allow participation in cooperative activities. Government entities join HGACBuy by executing an Interlocal Contract to become an End User. This document sets out the conditions, requirements and processes through which an entity’s purchase orders are received, confirmed to contract, and processed. There are many different HGAC End Users from multiple states: HGACBuy End User List
There are no annual membership dues required to purchase thru HGACBuy.

State of Ohio Procurement
The Cooperative Purchasing Program through the state of Ohio Procurement offers Ohio counties, townships, municipalities, school districts, public libraries, regional park districts and other political subdivisions the benefits and costs savings of buying goods and services through state contracts.

NPPGov serves public and non-profit markets as a cooperative purchasing organization. NPPGov serves government, education and non-profit markets including two specialized programs: FireRescue GPO and Law Enforcement GPO. The FireRescue GPO program specifically serves the fire and rescue market and has a unique connection with fire chiefs associations throughout the country.
Membership is entirely free and there is no obligation to purchase. NPPGov members have access to a large variety of publicly solicited contracts to simplify purchasing while complying with procurement requirements. NPPGov’s contract portfolio is continually growing to meet the needs of its members.

BuyBoard® Purchasing Cooperative – Fire Service Apparatus Vehicles No. 746-24
The BuyBoard National Purchasing Cooperative streamlines the purchasing process for schools, municipalities, and other public entities across the nation — and membership is free! .
Texas Entities
The Texas Cooperative is open to all local governments, and other political subdivisions in the state that are authorized to be a party to an interlocal cooperation agreement under the Interlocal Cooperation Act. Ready To Join BuyBoard?
Entities Outside of Texas
If your entity is outside the state of Texas, you may be eligible to join the BuyBoard National Purchasing Cooperative. Ready To Join BuyBoard?

GSA Advantage
GSA Advantage is an online shopping and ordering service created within the GSA organization. Its mission is to provide a streamlined, efficient purchasing portal for federal agencies to acquire the goods and services needed.
By using the purchasing power of the federal government, GSA can help cities and towns meet their mission while reducing costs and maximizing efficiency. Multiple authorized programs allow state and local governments to use GSA Schedules for select goods and services.
Check out the links below for more information on conditions for the use of these programs, the Schedules included (when limited to select Schedules), and ordering procedures:
GSA eLibrary
Contractor Information – Contract Number GS-30F-0034U